
Small Scale "Badger" Kachina Doll
Splint Oak Early American Gathering Basket
Steuben Signed Glass Paperweight
Study From Ernest Trova's Falling Man Series II
Stueben Glass Vase
Sumatra Indonesian Lidded Basket
Sydney E. Wilson Painting
T.F. Poduska Abstract Wallscape "#350"
Tarahumara Mexican Indian Basket
Teapot with Intricate Noritake Pattern
Terrahumara Vase Tied with Hide
Tigerwood Case w/ French King Charles X Portraiture
Tohono O'odham Papago Basket S Design
Tole Painting of "Nuestra Senora de Refugio"
Tunison Painting
Two Enamel Tulip Glasses
Victor Vasarely Illusive Abstraction Wall Hanging
Vintage Apache Jaw Bone Tomahawk
Vintage Bird bath Incalmo Bowl
Vintage Bureau Desk
Vintage Burgendy Vinyl Upholstered Set of Office Desk Chairs
Vintage Ebanista Urn
Vintage Inuit Soapstone Bird Carving -SOLD-
Vintage Pima Papago Handwoven Basket
Vintage Von HAP Grieshaber "Das Paar" Glass Work
Vinyl Chair-SOLD-
White Buffalo Dancer Kachina Doll
Wolff Buchholz Abstract Monochrome Etching
Wolff Buchholz Abstract Multi-Color Etching "R7312"
Wong Shue Painting
Yaacov Agam Painting
Yaacov Agam's Multi-Color Reduction Relief "Dialog"
Yaacov Agam's Multi-Color Serigraphs "Swirls I"
Yaacov Agam's Multi-Color Serigraphs "Swirls II"
Yaacov Agam Painting
Zuni Native American Pot-Hairlinecrack
Viewing: 300-336 of 336 items
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